Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:18
We want to serve those in need in the community around us. We do this through a philosophy called Intersect. We research local organizations who are addressing a particular need which exist in our community; organizations who are experts at meeting those needs, and we choose a few that we can intersect with. By selecting only a few organizations who are focused on meeting particular needs, we have both a deep and strategic impact.
Intersect makes serving our community simple. We plan strategic events and campaigns, such as Be Rich, that mobilize our attendees with nonprofit organizations that are excellent at doing what we want to do but could not do on our own.
Anyone! We’d love for you to take a first step into serving within our community whether you’re serving with your small group, your family, or individually. Please contact us if you have questions.
Our current partners focus on three distinct needs we are passionate about stepping into: local poverty and homelessness; rescue and restoration to victims of human trafficking; and at risk children, both locally and globally.
Lifeline is celebrating 30 years of bringing a hope and a future to orphaned children. Today, we have over 100 staff members on the phone, in meetings, and out in the field all working together to find incredible families for children in need of a loving, caring home. Lifeline has become known in adoption circles for putting the interest of the child first and specializing in quality training and education for our families. As a result we maintain an excellent relationship with adoption authorities both in the US and also in the international countries we serve.

We trust in the power of our God who made all people, and believe that Jesus, God in the flesh, set us an example of hope, mercy and love for our neighbor. As a result, Rwanda Children seeks to embody and live out the example of love through our presence and through the sharing of our resources with vulnerable and at-risk children in the country of Rwanda.
Rwanda Children is preparing for a vision trip this June. If you are interested in finding out more about the trip, please join us for an information meeting following the morning service on Sunday, January 29th. Click here for more info