Interested in membership? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve designed this site to answer your membership questions and guide you through the steps to becoming a member. Over the next twenty to thirty minutes, we are going to give you an overview of our mission and ministry strategy and, at the end, you will have the opportunity to apply for membership.

You are about to discover that membership at Redstone Church involves more than simply getting your name on a list. For us, membership means ownership and partnership. Ownership of the mission and vision, and partnership in accomplishing both.

Specifically, we partner together to create, lead, and resource the various ministry environments. Redstone is more than a Sunday morning service. It’s a movement. The people who are members here own that movement and partner together to see it move forward. As with any significant movement, there are core actions taken by those engaged in the movement. We have discovered these four core actions to be evidence of a person’s desire to engage the mission and movement that is Redstone church.

While it is obvious that these actions grow the church, each of these actions grow our relationship with Jesus in distinct ways. So, yes, these actions are good for us collectively, as the church, but they are also good for each of us individually as we grow our relationships with Jesus Christ.

Therefore, it is understood by our members that they are partners in making this church happen: by being in a community group, being on a serve team, inviting others to church, and by consistent percentage giving. All of this is done to grow their church and their faith.

If you have been attending Sunday services and are ready to take the next step toward involvement but you have not joined a community group or service team, that is your next step before applying for membership. Are you ready to join a community group or get plugged in to a serve team? Take the next step towards membership and join today!

Community Groups Strategic Service

As someone involved in a group or team, (perhaps both), you’ve had a front row seat to observe the mission in action. However, mere observation may not have covered all you would like to or need to know before partnering in membership with us.

We want you to have access to all of the important information you’ll need as you consider membership including our Mission, Ministry Strategy, and your faith. Finally, you’ll have the opportunity to apply for membership online from the comfort of your home or office. In the process, we’ll ask about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ as well as your baptism and involvement. We’ll ask for biographical information because we want to know you too! If at any time you need to take a break, feel free to bookmark your place and return to it later.

To begin with, let’s look first at our Mission and how it ties into our strategy.


Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this by creating environments where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

We believe a key component in understanding God is recognizing his passion for relationships. Yet before God ever attempted to establish a relationship with mankind he created an environment in which to have that relationship. Our church’s environments, both literal and metaphorical, are built for relationships and, ultimately, for people’s relationship with Jesus to grow.


Our ministry strategy is best explained using the metaphor of a house. A house built for relationships. We invite guests to the foyer, develop friendships in the living room, and grow as a family around the kitchen table. At Redstone, we want to give Birmingham a different kind of church so we are intentional in the ways we grow our relationship with each new guest as we take them through our house.

foyer (foi’ er, foi ya’) n. an entry.

A place in your home that serves as the welcome area for guests and that’s exactly how we’ve designed our entry environments. Our Sunday morning worship services are “foyer” environments where most people will experience Redstone for the first time. They also serve as the perfect place to introduce newcomers to life here.

living room (liv’ing room) n. a room in a home with sofas, chairs; used for social activities, entertaining guests, etc.

When friends arrive, you invite them into the living room. Everyone finds a comfortable place to sit and the interaction begins. For us, this is the place where personal connections begin. Smaller and more interactive than the foyer environment, these gatherings offer opportunities to begin and form friendships, just like the living room in your home. At Redstone, Serve Teams are our primary living room environments. These teams help create an environment where our guests are able to connect together and we build the church together. Other living room environments include NEXT, GroupLink, Women of Redstone, and Under Construction: A Men’s Gathering.

kitchen (kich’en) n. a room or place for the preparation and cooking of food.

Webster’s definition doesn’t help us much, does it? But think about it. What is the most popular room in your home? Where do you end up when close friends or family come over? The kitchen. This is where families connect and lasting friendships are made. This is the kind of environment we are striving for in our community groups. Community groups are where small groups where people meet regularly for Bible study, prayer, and to simply get to know one another. These groups become a safe place to open your heart, share your story, and ask the tough questions. Community groups serve as our kitchen environment.

For our children and students, small groups time happens during Sunday mornings in Waumba Land (6 weeks-PreK), UpStreet (Elementary School), and Transit/Inside Out (Middle and High School). Community groups are where life change is best supported and sustained.

Bottomline: Membership at Redstone Church is all about ownership and partnership. Members are people who move beyond simply participating in church to creating church. Members are people who partner together in all aspects of Redstone to give Birmingham a different kind of church.

Creating relevant, life-changing environments is neither easy nor inexpensive. It is because of people partnering together that we have and can continue to have in impact in our community through this unique approach to ministry. When you Connect, Serve, Invite, and Give, you begin partnering with Redstone Church.

You may still have a few questions and for that reason we have provided links to our Core Values and our Statement of Faith. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us directly.

Core Values Statement of Faith

If you are ready to partner together with us to own the mission and movement that is Redstone Church, you can begin the membership process.

Membership Application