I heard that Redstone Church is a non-denominational church. What does non-denominational mean?
In organizing this church, our foremost desire was to be an attractive environment for those who do not regularly attend church. For the most part, our feeling is that denominational titles mean more to churched people than unchurched people. In fact, we believe there are more disadvantages to a denominational title than there are advantages. We try to clearly state what we believe on the “Our Beliefs” page of our website.
What does it mean that we are a “Strategic Partner” of North Point Ministries?
North Point Ministries is the parent organization of which North Point Community Church, Buckhead Church and Browns Bridge Church are a part. Redstone Church is a strategic partner of North Point Ministries. That means that we have the same mission, strategy, values & beliefs as North Point Ministries but are a separate entity.
What is the format for the worship services?
As a strategic partner with North Point ministries, our typical service consist of live worship and a video-cast message from North Point Community Church. However, Blake Benge, our Lead Pastor, will communicate messages live throughout the year.
What is the leadership structure?
According to our church constitution, the phrase we use to describe the function of government at Redstone Church is that we are guarded by the Elders, guided by the Staff and gifted through the membership. However, in more specific terms, the Redstone Church government is built around three teams of people.
Ministry Team Representatives
Staff Leadership Team
Ministry Team Representatives (MTR) are individuals chosen by a particular area of ministry to represent that group as a channel of communication to and from the other ministries, staff and elders. MTR`s serve one-year terms and are the only group in the church, other than the Elders, that can call for a special business meeting of the church.
The Staff Leadership Team consists of staff members selected by the lead pastor. The purpose of this group is to determine programming, give vision to the various ministries of the church, and to oversee the day-to-day operations.
Elders function primarily as discerners and shepherds and serve as the conscience and guardians of the church. Their role is to evaluate everything going on in the church in light of three things; our mission, our resources and our doctrinal statement. The Board of Elders consists of men who serve three-year terms. The qualifications of Elders/Overseers are outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-11 and Titus 1:5-9.
Why doesn`t Redstone Church have Adult Sunday School?
The mission of Redstone Church is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We feel that this growth is sustained best in a small group environment. There are several reasons why we have chosen community groups as our primary relational structure. First, not having adult Sunday School allows attenders to participate in strategic service. We have also found that meeting in a home is a safe, predictable environment where no one slips through the cracks. True accountability can be reached with a consistent group of people in a community group. Lastly, people are able to benefit from the encouragement and accountability of a small group while still being part of our invest and invite evangelism strategy.
How can I be baptized?
For questions regarding baptism at Redstone, please click here.
What is the financial situation?
As a church, we strive to be great stewards of all that is given to us as an organization and to be transparent with our financial status. Your generosity to our church and, more importantly, what God is doing in the lives of people through our church, is greatly appreciated. You can give on Sunday Mornings, through the mail (see address below), or online here. Redstone Church is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.
Redstone Church, P.O. Box 190123, Birmingham, AL 35219
Current Financial Status