Xtreme is the weekly teaching environment for 6th through 12th grade students that meets at 9:30 am. Each week, students experience a short hang-out time, games, a challenging talk, and most importantly, interaction with a small group.
Hang Time – Before each hour begins, students and leaders come and hang out, listen to music, play Wii and DDR, or just grab some doughnuts and munch.
Connect Time – The first 15-20 minutes of Xtreme are a combination of video, crowd icebreaker, and dialogue that focuses student’s attention on the day’s message.
Teaching Time – Teaching Time is not your typical sermon! During this time, a speaker will give a short message that will “intro” what students will be discussing in their small group discussion.
Discussion Time – This is the “meat” of what we desire to accomplish in Xtreme. Middle and High School Students meet in small groups to discuss hot topics or current issues facing students.